‘The Heat’ Emits A Low Flame

The Heat: 2 out of 5 Det. Mullins: I just spend the last 30 minutes thinking of ways to kill you. This is the story of a by-the-book FBI agent teaming up with a sloppy, but dedicated Boston Police detective to take down some bad guys. They are mismatched and hate each other at first, but will have to learn to get along if they want to prove themselves to the other officers and agents. The two will face lots of adversity both from nefarious foes and each other, but they will ultimately use their eventual friendship as a way to work together. Other agents and officers will doubt the work that these two do, in an attempt to uncover the truth regarding secret drug shipments and heinous criminal activities, including violent murders, but hopefully they will prevail anyway. These are classic buddy cop movie elements and they have been applied to this film which teams up Sandra Bullock and Melissa McCarthy in a comedy that is hit or miss…mostly miss.