‘Step Up Revolution’ Is A Dance-tastic Step Down

Step Up Revolution : 2 out of 5 Sean: The Mob is our way to shout. It’s like us say, “listen up, we exist.” People may have to stick with me on this, but I, myself, have stuck with this Step Up franchise for no discernible reason, beyond the fact that the choreography has always been impressive. Despite the lack of Channing Tatum (who began as a bland, pretty face in the first Step Up and is now a hot commodity all over), the series has actually gotten ‘better’ with each entry…until now. Yes, Step Up Revolution has a similarly generic story and weak characters that serve as the same elements that we are not supposed to care about, but the other films seemed better. I was still more engaged with the previous entries and found the dances to be really involving. This film has some elaborate dance sequences and the 3D looks pretty good, but everything around those aspects feels even lazier this time around than normal. I don’t ask for ...