Out Now with Aaron and Abe: Episode 64 – The Amazing Spider-Man
This week’s episode of Out Now with Aaron and Abe is jam packed. Aaron and Abe were actually together in the same room this week, as they discuss The Amazing Spider-Man with guests Jordan Grout and Jordan from Jersey (of Legion of Dudes and The Walking Dead TV Podcast). It is an episode full of thoughts from all involved and also brings on the regular segments as well, including “Know Everybody”, “Trailer Talk” (Dredd 3D and The Man with the Iron Fists), “Movie Call Back”, Box Office results and predictions, games (Celebrity Tweets returns!), and other fun. Aaron and Abe also have a mini review of Savages, recorded later in the day, put towards the end of the episode, along with a more spoiler-y section in regards to Spider-Man. As said, it’s a packed show.
So now, if you’ve got an hour to kill…
You can also find links to the episode at HHWLOD HERE or at Podomatic HERE
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Of course, in addition to this episode, there are many more episodes to be found on iTunes, as well as on the hosted site, The HHWLOD Podcast Network, and still at outnow.podomatic.com for mainly the newest episodes and some exclusives. One can also learn more at the official Facebook page for Out Now, facebook.com/outnowpodcast (“like” it), which features updates from Aaron and Abe’s personal blogs, other random posts, and some photo albums. Finally, feel free to e-mail the show at outnowpodcast@gmail.com with any sort of feedback or add an iTunes rating/review.
TIME STAMPS: Amazing Spider-Man review: 23:50; Amazing Spider-Man Spoilers: 90:25; Savages: 112:15
Show Notes:
[The purpose of this section is to highlight areas mentioned or referenced during the show.]
- Liz’s Kickstarter Campaign still going on and it’s a good cause: Bread and Butter: The Movie – Kickstarter Page – Check out the page: HERE and you could be on the Show!
- Follow all of us on Twitter: @AaronsPs3, @WalrusMoose, @Amsterdamchap, @JordanFRMJersey
- Check out our Sites and Blogs: The Code Is Zeek, Why So Blu, Damn Dirty Blog
- Read Aaron’s review of The Amazing Spider-Man HERE and Savages HERE
- Read Jordan’s review of The Amazing Spider-Man HERE
- The Original Comic Book Lizard
- The Original Chris Cooper Lizard and Spider-Man Designs
- Check out the Why So Blu iPhone App HERE
- Trailers Discussed: Dredd 3D and The Man with the Iron Fists
- Next Week’s Episode: Beasts of the Southern Wild and Other Art House Releases

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