A ‘Life Of Crime’ Should Be Better (Movie Review)

Life of Crime : 3 out of 5 Marshall: Hey, you keep your wife out here and someone’s liable to steal her. Frank: You promise? Sometimes I find myself asking, “Why wasn’t this better?” Life of Crime has everything going for it. The film is a prequel of sorts to Quentin Tarantino’s Jackie Brown , as both films feature three key characters. More specifically, crime novelist Elmore Leonard wrote both Rum Punch and The Switch , the novels both films are based on. Regardless, the film has interesting source material and circumstances going for it, as well as a great cast, most of Leonard’s dialogue still intact, and a nice period-film aesthetic to top it all off. Still, Life of Crime never manages to be anything more than average. It is unfortunate, but I have some thoughts as to why this may have been the case.