Weekly Recap: Captain Marvel, Apollo 11 & More!

The Marvel Cinematic Universe gets a new addition this weekend with Captain Marvel, which has fittingly arrived on International Women's Day. The film feels pretty standard as far as superhero movies go, but is nonetheless enjoyable. Apollo 11 spreads to more theaters this week and is a true sight to behold, even if you missed the chance to see it in IMAX. Lots of new home releases this week, including Creed II and The Favourite. I also put together some thoughts on Watchmen, ten years later. Lastly, we had a great conversation about, of all things, Madea on the podcast this week, so be sure to listen to that. Thanks for reading.

In Theaters Now:

(Does the job as a standard Marvel Studios movie)

(A gripping documentary best viewed in IMAX, but now in regular theaters)

Here's The Archive Of Every Review Throughout The Year(s) - http://www.thecodeiszeek.com/p/review-archive.html

New On DVD/Blu-ray This Week:


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