Weekly Recap: Deadpool 2 & More!

With a few weeks of Avengers now out of the way, the Summer movie season is about to get a lot more crowded. First up, as far as big blockbusters, we have Deadpool 2, the sequel to the outrageous 2016 hit. The film delivers a lot more of the same, albeit better-directed, and should satisfy plenty. At home this week, audiences can pick up Black Panther, which I have a great review for, along with some reviews for recent TV shows. And Out Now is back with a new podcast episode as well, where we had the chance to go over a lot of smaller releases and trailers. Enjoy!

In Theaters Now:

(More irreverence makes for a fun time)

Here's The Archive Of Every Review Throughout The Year(s) - http://www.thecodeiszeek.com/p/review-archive.html

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