Out Now Interviews: Carlyle Eubank co-writer of "The Signal"

We're very thankful to Carlyle Eubank for taking the time to talk to us about a movie he co-wrote! If you haven't seen "The Signal" yet, then you should listen to this Q&A session (before we hit some spoilers) then go and check out the film at a theater near you! We discuss the concepts of the film, production of the film, being accepted into film festivals, and so much more! Sit back relax and enjoy part two of our interviews with the writers of "The Signal"!

Also find this episode on HHWLODPodomatic, or Soundcloud

Our Part 1 interview is right HERE

Aaron's written review of The Signal

You can follow Carlyle on twitter: carlyleubank

Follow all of us on Twitter: @Outnow_Podcast, @AaronsPS4, @WalrusMoose 

Leave us a voicemail at 972-798-3830

Check out all of our sites and blogs: TheCodeIsZeek.com, Why So Blu?, Walrus Moose


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