Weekly Recap: Free Guy, Don't Breathe 2, Beckett & More!

As we enter the middle of August, there may only be so many potential blockbusters left, and possibly less time left to go to crowded theaters, this week sees the release of a few notables. Free Guy is a big-budget original film with Ryan Reynolds that's quite fun. Meanwhile, Don't Breathe 2 is a 5-years later horror sequel that doesn't quite deliver. I also have a review for the Netflix thriller Beckett. Additionally, please listen to our latest podcast episodes, including our thoughts on The Suicide Squad. So, enjoy all of these reviews and more, and be sure to check out my various essays, lists, and new trailers available to dig into as well. Enjoy, stay safe out there, and thanks for reading!

New Movie Reviews:

(All Reviews Are Linked)

  • Free GuyOnce it gets going, this is a fun video game-inspired adventure. - In Theaters
  • Don't Breathe 2 - A misguided sequel that lacks the tension of the first. - In Theaters
  • BeckettA wrong man thriller that's a bit thin but well-shot. - Netflix

Recent Reviews:

New On 4K/Blu-ray/DVD: 


Trailers & Other Articles Of Note:

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