Weekly Recap: Gemini Man, Parasite & More!

This week you can pay to see Will Smith in Gemini Man, and get another Will Smith for free! The Ang Lee action flick arrives in 3D and 120 frames per second (and only so many theaters will be able to play it in that format). It's decent enough if you find a premium screen to see it on. More important - Parasite arrives in limited release and it's one of the year's best films. A few new home releases to look for as well, all good stuff. The Walking Dead is back too, so I have a new review up for that. There are also plenty of new trailers to dig into as well. And lastly, be sure to enjoy a couple of new podcasts we put together for all to hear and have fun with, including our review of Joker. Enjoy and thanks for reading!

Now in Theaters:

  • Gemini ManI wish the film was better in terms of story, but the visuals and Will Smith are in top form.
  • ParasiteA dark comedy and Hitchcockian thriller. One of the year's best films.
  • Joker - Joaquin Phoenix is as great as one expects in a film that works as a dark character study more than a comic book movie.
  • Here's The Archive Of Every Review Throughout The Year(s)

New On 4K/Blu-ray/DVD/Streaming:


  • Joker Aaron and Abe are joined by Brad Oman and Ben Konowitz from the Go Flix Yourself podcast to discuss Joker, starring Joaquin Phoenix.
  • Horror Special 2019: Haunted House MoviesAaron and Abe were joined by Cult Cinema Cavalcade’s Brandon Peters and JoBlo’s Jimmy O to talk all about haunted house movies. 
  • All Episodes


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