Weekly Recap: Creed II, Ralph Breaks The Internet, The Favourite & More!

I hope everyone had a happy Thanksgiving, and just a good week in general for the non-Americans out there. Creed and Wreck-It Ralph are fighting for the championship this week, as both have two new movies that have opened up. The Favourite and Roma are also out there in limited release, and they are great. And Green Book and The Front Runner now expand to more theaters as well. At home, you get some very good releases to keep an eye out for. And, of course, there are our latest podcasts, which are both packed shows and a lot of fun. Enjoy!

In Theaters Now:

(A strong follow-up to keep the Rocky franchise alive)

(Good ideas here, in a well-meaning animated film)

(A subversive costume drama that's very funny, in limited release)

(A brilliant personal tale, now in limited release, coming soon to Netflix)

(Good acting, decent film, now in wider release)


Here's The Archive Of Every Review Throughout The Year(s) - http://www.thecodeiszeek.com/p/review-archive.html

New On DVD/Blu-ray This Week:

Other Articles Of Note:

6 Reasons Why Free Solo is the Best Thriller of The Year - https://weliveentertainment.com/welivefilm/6-reasons-free-solo-best-thriller-year/



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