Weekly Recap: Annihilation, Mute, Game Night & More!

Coming a week after Black Panther destroyed the box office in a very good way, we now have Annihilation and Game Night. One is a hard sci-fi thriller and the other is a fast-paced comedy. So there is a lot to enjoy in theaters this week. Additionally, lots of good stuff can now be seen at home as well, and I have reviews for all. Plus, how about some new interviews! I was able to speak with a lot of folks from The Tick, which is back on Amazon this week with new episodes. Lastly, we recorded a great podcast this week, which is well worth listening to. Enjoy!

In Theaters Now:

(Strong sci-fi with great visuals)

Mute - https://weliveentertainment.com/welivefilm/review-words-mute-disappoints/

(Disposable fun. Lots of laughs)

(It's destroying the box office, which is great)

Here's The Archive Of Every Review Throughout The Year(s) - http://www.thecodeiszeek.com/p/review-archive.html


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