Weekly Recap: Star Wars: The Last Jedi, Ferdinand, Molly's Game & More!

Star Wars: The Last Jedi has finally arrived and it is amazing. A fantastic entry in the ongoing saga with Rian Johnson delivering in spades. Also out this week, Ferdinand, the decent animated story of a non-violent bull. I also have a new review up for the upcoming Molly's Game from writer/director Aaron Sorkin. Being a bit sick, I didn't have time to cover some of the other upcoming releases, but there is plenty in theaters to see, as evidenced by the number of reviews below. Also out - several new home releases worth seeking out. Plus, a review for the lackluster mid-season finale of The Walking Dead. Lastly, two new podcast episodes to listen to. Enjoy!

In Theaters Now:

(A fantastic Star Wars movie, the best in years)

(Decent animated effort)

Spreading Wider:

(A terrific performance in a terrific film)

(A love story and an adult fairy tale. One of the year's bests)


Coming Soon:

(Aaron Sorkin delivers a great script and fairly good direction)

Here's The Archive Of Every Review Throughout The Year(s) - http://www.thecodeiszeek.com/p/review-archive.html

Other Articles Of Note:

Los Angeles Online Film Critics Society 2017 Film Nominations (I'm part of this guild and helped with this) - https://weliveentertainment.com/welivefilm/los-angeles-online-film-critics-society-announces-first-year-nominations/


Preacher, The Americans - http://theyoungfolks.com/author/aaronneuwirth

Everything In General:

My Official Facebook Page - https://www.facebook.com/thecodeiszeek/

Have A Great Weekend!


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