Weekly Recap: The Jungle Book, Barbershop 3, Green Room & More

This has turned out to be a pretty solid week for movies. I may have missed the latest from Kevin Costner (on purpose), but you still have The Jungle Book and Barbershop 3 in wide release, along with a couple indies in the form of Green Room and Sing Street. All of these are worth checking out for various reasons. I also got busy with trailers and other stuff, as I decided to do a little research and talk about other silly superhero movie titles to go along with Spider-Man: Homecoming. And you can check out our very fun podcast for the week and my weekly reviews of The Americans. It's all here, so enjoy!

In Theaters Now:

(Astonishing visuals)

(Funnier and smarter than you may think)

(A dark and dirty thriller)

(All kinds of crowd pleasing) - 

Here's The Archive Of Every Review Throughout The Year(s) - http://www.thecodeiszeek.com/p/review-archive.html

New On DVD/Blu-ray This Week:


Other Articles Of Note:


The Walking Dead And The Americans - http://theyoungfolks.com/author/aaronneuwirth

Everything In General:

My Official Facebook Page - https://www.facebook.com/thecodeiszeek/

Have A Great Weekend!


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