Weekly Recap: The Witch, Race & More!

After a year of waiting, The Witch will finally be seen by general audiences this weekend and hopefully they dig it. While not resembling many of the horror films we see today, this film has an identity all its own that serves it well. Not looking as much like its own thing, we also have Race, which tells the story of Jesse Owens in a pretty flat manner. This is similar to the very flat Black Mass, which also hits theaters this week, but is unlike the terrific Steve Jobs, which deserves to be embraced by more. I also have a link to our very fun Deadpool podcast and more. Enjoy!

In Theaters Now:

(Likely to go down as the best horror film of the year)

(Like watching a Wikipedia article come to live)


Everything In General:

My Official Facebook Page - https://www.facebook.com/thecodeiszeek/

Have A Great Weekend!
(by the way, this started filming this week)


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