Weekly Recap: Our Brand Is Crisis And More!

The week of Halloween generally does not offer the greatest of new releases, which is why I only have one new review. Burnt and Scouts Guide to the Zombie Apocalypse didn't exactly look great, but Our Brand Is Crisis seemed promising. Unfortunately that was not the case, despite the work from Bullock. Still, lots of new Blu-rays out this week. Additionally, I've included a number of cool links, including a look at underseen horror films. Enjoy!

In Theaters This Week:

(Sandra Bullock is good, but the film is forgettable)

Here's The Archive Of Every Review Throughout The Year(s) - http://www.thecodeiszeek.com/p/review-archive.html

New on DVD and Blu-ray This Week:

Other Articles of Note:

Everything in general:
I post all my work on my Official Facebook Page - https://www.facebook.com/thecodeiszeek.
Also: http://www.rantnow.com/author/aaron-neuwirth/ and



Have a Great Weekend and Happy Halloween!


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