How About That Trailer? - La La Land

After breaking plenty of ground with Whiplash, the film that also earned the great J.K. Simmons an Oscar, writer/director Damien Chazelle is back with La La Land, a musical comedy-drama. Judging by just the trailer, the film appears to be the exact opposite of Whiplash by way of its aesthetic. The movements, the color, the first of many original songs and general feel just seem to capture an entirely different tone.

Good for Chazelle, as the filmmaker has only been credited for his involvement with thrillers so far such as 10 Cloverfield Lane and Grand Piano. Not that he can't do what he wants, but just take a look at this trailer. There is a wonderful old fashion vibe present throughout, complete with colorful costume design and great-looking locations to really help capture the atmosphere.

Starring Ryan Gosling and Emma Stone, the film is set in modern day Los Angeles and involves a jazz musician and an aspiring actress who fall in love and deal with the fallout. Simmons returns as a supporting character, along with Finn Wittrock, John Legend and Rosemarie DeWitt, among others. The film will feature many original songs. All of that sounds pretty delightful.

It would have been great to say a sweet-looking film like this come out on its original summer release date, but alas we now have to wait until December. It's something of a shame that the film needs to be pushed in order to help it attain Oscar potential, rather than just put hope in the film getting probably recognition whenever it gets released, but here we are. At least we got a great first trailer though.

La La Land opens in theaters December 2, 2016.


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