Out Now with Aaron and Abe: Episode 92 – A Good Day to Die Hard
week’s episode of Out Now with Aaron and Abe covers what seems to be the life
and death of the Die Hard
franchise. A Good Day to Die Hard has arrived in theaters and Aaron, Abe, and
guests Scott Mendelson and Brandon peters are all pleased to get their feelings
about the film off of their chest. Additionally,
the group goes through all of the regular segments, including “Know Everybody”,
“Trailer Talk” (Iron Man 3 and The
Internship), “Out Now Quickies”, “Movie Call Back”, Box Office Results,
and of course Games. It is an episode
full of characters, good dialogue, and explosions, and A Good Day to Die Hard can only say it had one of those things. Yippee Ki-Yay Mother Russia.
now, if you’ve got an hour to kill…
course, in addition to this episode, there are many more episodes to be found
on iTunes, as well as on the hosted site, The HHWLOD Podcast
Network, and still at outnow.podomatic.com
for mainly the newest episodes and some exclusives. One can also learn
more at the official Facebook page for Out Now, facebook.com/outnowpodcast
(“like” it), which features updates from Aaron and Abe’s personal blogs, other
random posts, and some photo albums.
Finally, feel free to e-mail the show at OutNowPodcast@gmail.com with
any sort of feedback or add an iTunes rating/review.
Show Notes:
[The purpose of this section is to
highlight areas mentioned or referenced during the show.]
- Follow all of us on Twitter: @Outnow_Podcast, @AaronsPs3, @WalrusMoose, @ScottMendelson, @BTPeters
- Check out all of our sites and blogs: thecodeiszeek.com, Why So Blu?, The Walrus Moose, Mendelson’s Memos
- Check out Aaron’s written review for A Good Day To Die Hard
- Check out Scott’s written review for A Good Day To Die Hard
- Check out Brandon’s written review for A Good Day To Die Hard
- A Good Day to Clay Hard
- Aaron’s Die Hard Retrospective
- Brandon Peters Die Hard Retrospective Posts
- Guyz Nite – Die Hard
- Out Now has a YouTube PAGE
- Check out the Why So Blu iPhone App HERE
- Trailers Discussed: Iron Man 3 and The Internship
- Next Episode: 2013 Oscar Special

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