‘Zero Dark Thirty’ Is A Thrilling Work Of Journalism Come To Life
George: I want to make something absolutely clear. If you thought there was some working group coming to the rescue, I want you to know that you’re wrong. This is it. There’s nobody else hidden away on some other floor. There is just us and we are failing.
Sorry to reiterate the
title, but Zero Dark Thirty is in
fact a thrilling work of journalism come to life. This is not a film that relies on sensational
action sequences to depict the hunt for Osama bin Laden, nor is it a film that
eventually finds the wonderful Jessica Chastain eventually strapping on night
goggles, picking up a gun, and joining S.E.A.L. Team Six to raid his
compound. Zero Dark Thirty is an excellent procedural film about methods and
process, as it depicts the hunt for Bin Laden in obsessive detail. This entire film is based on research, but
that also does not mean it is the exact version of what happened. This is a film about a fierce woman’s pursuit
to solve a problem and the people involved in the procedural tactics of getting
that work done. It just happens to be
that this work is based on the story of the world’s greatest manhunt.
To make it even
clearer, this film is a chronicle of the decade-long hunt for al-Qaeda
terrorist leader Osama bin Laden, following the 9/11 attacks, and his death at
the hands of the Navy S.E.A.L. Team Six in May, 2011. The film opens with the sounds of an actual
recorded call from inside one of the twin towers during the attacks, played
against a black screen. It sets a mood
for the film and takes off from there.
We are then introduced to CIA Analyst Maya (Jessica Chastain), two years
later, as she arrives at a CIA black site in Pakistan and watches a colleague,
Dan (Jason Clarke), torture a detainee.
She has a sense of revulsion at first, but when alone with the detainee and
asked for help, her response is simple, “You can help yourself by being truthful.
From here, years go by,
as Maya continues to do everything she can to put it all together, locate new
sources of information, and chase down new leads. She becomes hardened in the process, speaking
louder and more confidently than any of her colleagues and superiors. Eventually everything is narrowed down to one
location, which is a possible exact position of where bin Laden is hiding. It then becomes a matter of how to proceed.
If it is necessary to
speak about the depiction of torture in this movie, so I can get it out of the
way, then so be it. From what I took
away from this film, torture is more or less portrayed as a necessary evil that
is not even depicted to be all that effective.
There is really not a whole lot of it, despite what some may have read,
but in some cases it yields information and others it doesn’t. The results do not lead to terrible things
not happening in this film, as we still witness various true-to life attacks
scattered throughout the film, but we also find our characters going after new
information sources because of it.
Regardless, the film does not depict a moral opinion about it either
way, which speaks to the effectiveness of Zero
Dark Thirty’s devotion to being a dogged procedural film, holding the
politics and cultural aspects at arm’s length.
I loved the way this
movie is all about process. In the same
way that David Fincher and Michael Mann have made movies like Zodiac and The Insider, which depict a multitude of different people doing a
job, handling an assortment of technical dialogue, and not stopping to provide
expository moments in a more clear and concise manner. This is in the league of films like All the President’s Men, as it is a film
about obsession to pursue an investigation as far as it will go and not stop to
focus on who these people are outside of their work. The fact that Zero Dark Thirty does have explosions and does have an incredibly
tense final forty minutes (with an inevitable conclusion) only serves as a
means to an end, which falls in line with how the story is supposed to play
Performance-wise, this
film is impeccable. Jessica Chastain,
who already gave several amazing performances in the past couple years (Take Shelter and The Tree of Life, specifically) is still at what I could only
imagine is the top of her game, because if she could be any better, I am not
sure what to expect. We learn everything
we need to know about this character based on her actions and how her demeanor
and general handling of scenarios changes, as the years go by. She is fierce and tenacious in work, which is
an important way of providing reason for us not to care for what her personal
life is like, because she really does not have much of one. Maya is devoted to her work and will travel
the globe to pursue a lead, before worrying about personal relationships. The few connections she does have are to
other, similar characters in this film, which are also excellently portrayed.

This is the follow up
film for director Kathryn Bigelow and screenwriter Mark Boal, after they both
received Oscars for their work on The
Hurt Locker. Zero Dark Thirty is once again a chance for them to delve into a
gritty and real depiction of a story that takes itself seriously, with its,
“you are right there with them” approach, but certainly not in a sensationalist
way. Their initial idea was to make a
more action-heavy film based on the search for bin Laden, but as real life
circumstances changed, so did the intent of this film. As a result, all their research and
dedication to craft has led to them making a well thought-out procedural
thriller that has a slavish devotion to details, while still being incredibly
effective in its storytelling. It is not
about whether or not everything we see is true to life, but how effective it is
in depicting a plausible tale that surrounds actual events that took place,
leading up to a mission that resulted in the takedown of bin Laden.
In the same way that The Social Network is not an exact
recreation of events that took place regarding the story of Facebook, Zero Dark Thirty is a cinematic
experience first, a fact-based, true-to-life tale second. Sure, this film is incredibly serious and
uncompromising in the way its detail-oriented plotting depicts everything, but
it still boils down to being a very well-made film. The depiction of process in this film is
fantastic and the direction is impeccable.
We get the tense action that is expected, but certainly not in a
glamorized sense, let alone one that lets people revel in revenge-fueled
passion. Dirty deeds were done and
innocent bystanders were lost to get to the ultimate conclusion of this film,
but this is not a film meant to chastise or glorify these acts. It is a cold and calculated exercise in
filmmaking that is incredibly effective and anchored by another great
performance from Jessica Chastain.
Dan: Can I be honest with you? I am bad news. I’m not your friend; not gonna help you; I’m gonna break you. Any questions?
is a writer/reviewer for WhySoBlu.com.
Follow him on Twitter @AaronsPS3.
He also co-hosts a podcast, Out Now with Aaron and Abe, available via iTunes or at HHWLOD.com.
He also co-hosts a podcast, Out Now with Aaron and Abe, available via iTunes or at HHWLOD.com.
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